Thursday, July 16, 2009

Black Spidey Cupcakes!

The lovely Sarah contacted me to make chocolate with chocolate buttercream Spiderman cupcakes for her little son Nicky's 5th birthday. But not the red Spiderman... the black one!! I used fondant to create the Spiderman faces, and drew on the spider webs. When Sarah (whom I had never met!) came to pick them up, she was so happy she gave me a huge hug!! That is the kind of warmth and excitement that keeps old Coco Cake headquarters chugging along like a cupcake party train. So thank you, Sarah, for being so enthusiastic-- and I sure hope Nicky loved the cupcakes!! (Note-- like the "Happy Nicky" above? That was cracking me up a bit!

xo Lyndsay


  1. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man! Woweeeeeee! Love those cupcakes even though Nicky wanted the turn to the darkside black masked Spider-Man. teehee. SO cute! Batman, Spider-Man, who's next? Woverine? lol. :) Nice work, sis.

  2. did u draw each of those spiderweb masks by hand?

  3. Ha! Very cute! Thats happened to me too! Hugs are great! I guess cakes bring out the best in folks.

  4. thanks!!

    yeppers, each one by hand!

    --cool jenny!! :)

  5. Great cupcakes! I love the hugs too!

  6. does the fondant begin to mold to the cupcake after it's set out at room temp. for a while or outside???

  7. My sons would have gone crazy over birthday cupcakes like these. Just found you via the BakeItPretty's blog.


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