Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats

Rest In Peace to ChubChub, our beloved kitty. 2000-2009

Cats the musical. Ridiculous, right? But still, Grizelda crooning those powerful notes, it can really tug the heart strings.

Sad news in Cat World-- we lost our sweet, chubby kitty Tako last week, passed away to fat cat heaven. Tako, aka ChubChub, was adopted by my then-boyfriend Rich 5 years ago from the SPCA. She appeared to be a bit of a gong show; she was an obese, dandruff-laden (we learned later that she got dandruff within minutes of being stressed out), long-haired black cat with white paws and a white "bib" that Rich always said looked like a tuxedo trying really hard to be tugged closed. She also had been de-clawed on all four paws by her previous owner, and given up to the SPCA. She would still ghost-scratch our couch though, making a pleasant and slightly hilarious "shoosh-shoosh-shoosh" sound as she did it.

She practically filled the whole cage when we went and picked her up that first day from the SPCA, cats meowing everywhere but ChubChub sitting there like, well, a black blob. She had a funny tiny little meow that didn't match the visual fur-and-fat overload of her body shape. She hated plastic bags, loved Tickle Me Ernie's shorts filled with catnip, and loved to eat. ChubChub lived a really good life, loved to pieces by her main man Rich T.

On a more cupcake-related note, I made black cat cupcakes for Jake's girlfriend Liz's surprise birthday party! He sent me pics of Oscar the cat, Oscar is a black cat with yellow green eyes, and apparently was named Oscar for his love of eating garbage!! So yes, cats are amazing and hilarious little fluffers.

We'll remember crazy old ChubChub and her funny little ways. Here's to cats!!


Oscar the black kitty cupcakes, made for Liz's birthday, ordered by her BF Jake!

Cupcakes in box... HAPPY BIRTH



  1. they were the bestest ever thankyou thankyou!!!

  2. Sorry to hear about your cat, that must have been heartbreaking, what a cute kitty.

    Totally adorable cupcakes, as usual.

  3. --glad you loved them liz!!

    --thanks so much for the kind words jenny :)

  4. I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. I'm a cat fan myself.

  5. thank you lydia... cats are hilarious... :)


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