Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello, Mr.Brownie

I'm thinking this little nut might speak for himself. Been working on a few ideas on how to make alternate animal face cupcakes that aren't made with fondant, just for variety and just for fun...

File under... cute? Scary? Weird? Haha... please let me know your thoughts...


  1. Love it! But chocolate frosting underneath would look better.

  2. hmm... that's tricky! How about a ram? haha I dunno why I said that just came to mind!

  3. I think he's cute, but I agree with Penelope and him needing chocolate frosting instead of the white underneath.

  4. oh nice, thanks penelope! chocolate frosting... oh yes.

    daily poster... a RAM?? hilarious... i could try a little ram cupcake..

    thanks kris!! :)

  5. I agree with Penelope and him needing chocolate frosting instead of the white underneath.
    Work From Home

  6. Teddy looks delicious. Would definitively file under cute, and different.. slightly weird... not too scary... I like it!!!!

  7. I agree with Penelope too, chocolate frosting would probably look better. But even like that, I find this little bear amazingly cute!!! It's so cute I couldn't eat it without feeling remorse I think!


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