Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moustachio & Friends: Moustache Cupcakes

Moustachio-themed moustache cupcakes to announce the gender of Kellie's upcoming baby! :)

I couldn't resist making this moustache into a face.

Ain't no party like a moustache party!

Wait a second... this guy looks familiar! (Gerry Sung??)

Sweet and pregnant Kellie ordered moustache themed Coco Cake cupcakes for a little party, to help along the announcement that she will be having a boy, her third boy! When Kellie's husband came to pick up the cupcakes with her other two little adorable sons, he gave me an apron that Kellie sewed for me. So nice and so sweet! Thanks so much Kellie, and all the best nearer to the end of this month! ;)

xo Lyndsay


  1. these are such cute cupcakes and what a special way to announce the gender of their up-coming birthday!

  2. After going through your entire set on Flickr, I am officially your fan! Awesome work (:

  3. thanks carla!!

    haha, thanks D!!

    thanks Denise! :)

  4. these are ADORABLE ! probably the cutest cupcakes i've ever seen .

  5. that is sooo beautiful!! i m hungry now


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