Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

What a seriously beautiful song. Judy Garland singing it, only, from the amazing movie The Wizard of Oz! The song makes me think of hope and love and compassion, and making dreams come true. Pretty lovely!

Sweet Claire ordered from afar a delightful gift for her friends Tara and Elladee's housewarming: rainbow cupcakes! These cupcakes are sheer magic -- only when you bake that multicolored batter in the oven, and hear the timer go off, and you peak into the oven do you get to see how the cupcakes decided to turn out! Blobs of neon colours make up these rainbow vanilla cupcakes, which I topped off with a swirl of pretty pink, blue and purple vanilla buttercream.


  1. Gorgeous! I'm curious - what frosting tip did you use?

  2. ...way up high...there's a land that I heard of
    once in a lullaby...

    I just drop by from Cake Wreck..thankfully you had this post so now my mind has been switched from her hilarious "What's This" to this sweet!

    Love your rainbow cupcakes! I have yet to do swirls like you use a star tip for make those gorgeous swirls!!

  3. yummers. rainbows taste good!

  4. i haven't tasted a rainbow yet, but these look like they are probably pretty delicious!

  5. thanks KT! KT and Faithy, yes it's a star tip to create the swirls!

    haha Faithy I heart Cake Wrecks too. so hilarious.

    Thanks Kim!

    thank you Jan!! :)

  6. Jan! Thank you for the "link love!" Yay Poppytalk!

    xo lyndsay

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous1 You continue to inspire me with your creations. Actually, I want try to emulate you. Try, I said. I'm ok at smooshing on b/cream icing, but piping I want to learn. PLease can you let me know what tip you use to get this beautiful effect?
    Thanks from the UK!

  8. Sorry, I dd read it's a star tip but was wondering what size?

  9. These are wonderful! How did you get the frosting colors to stay so separate? I have tried and they end up getting all mixed together!

  10. swirly vivid colourful yummy coolness! :)

  11. So much fun to eat!!!
    I left a little something for you in my Blog, would love it if you stopped by...


  12. WOW! These are amazing. I love the colors!

  13. thank you so much everyone... !!!

    @lullie, it's a 1M tip!

    @Stefanie, i wonder if its the consistency of your frosting? Try making it "stiffer" and it will hold better together i bet! :)

  14. Love your rainbow cupcakes! I'm going to make them for my friend's 40th birthday in couple of weeks. Where did you get the liners? Thanks!

  15. Wow, these cupcakes are beautiful! I love the frosting! So cool!

  16. hi patricia! i buy all my liners in bulk (like, 1000 at a time) but there are some great resources online: comes to mind, she is really cool!

    good luck with your rainbows!!!

    thanks lori! :)


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