Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Girl Cakes!

A mini round-up of some recent cakes made for little girls! Yes, many little girls love those colours of pink and red... I have always loved blue and green... when I was a little girl I played with both Barbie and Transformers/He-Man equally... ! Barbie would take a cruise on Battlecat, He-Man would take a cruise in the Barbie corvette... no big deal!!!


  1. Ohmygosh, I so would have loved a little mermaid cake when I was little!

  2. So darn cute! My daughter would love the Mermaid cake! :D

  3. thanks juanita!!

    thakns mizzJ -- i love how cakes can bring back memories..!

    thanks brandy!! ^__^ i am sure you can make her an awesome one!


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