Friday, February 11, 2011

I Heart Cake! I Heart You!

Happy Friday everyone! and happy weekend of Valentine's Day-ish love. Love comes in many forms... relationships, friends, family... so treasure those who are close to you. I'm sending posi-love-rays through the internet to you all right now... and with this cake!

I love this cake! Elle Girl Korea contacted little old Coco Cake to make a super cute cake for their 8th anniversary issue, along with a little mini spread on Coco Cake's cake work. Kinda crazy and kinda cool right! Will be the first time I'll see my cakes in a glossy magazine. Ooooh I can't wait to get it in the mail! I'll be monitoring the mailbox come March! And of course I also have my doubts that it will even make it into the magazine?? The cruel hard world of publishing... ^__^ Even if it doesn't make the cut, I still have these ADORABLE pictures to show you!

Since I was making this cake for a photoshoot, I had to give it away ... and what better place to give it away to than my other place of work, Arts Umbrella... where I teach art to crazy little kiddies! Fun! Let's just say surprise cake in the afternoon was received rather well... !

The cake was vanilla with raspberry syrup, and vanilla buttercream. I felt compelled to make the layers different shades of pink... I love the surprise of a white cake, and inside a gorgeous colour spectrum! Going to experiment with some natural colouring ideas. My fellow cakers/readers out there, anyone have any suggestions? Beet juice? Raspberry puree? Anyone had any luck with these?

Happy Weekend to you all! And to local Vancouverites, there's still time to order a special little party box of cupcake delights for your loved ones -- email!

xo Lyndsay


  1. The most gorgeous cake interior ever!

  2. what about the dye from purple cabbage? I haven't tried it yet so ... let me know how it turns out?! ;-)

    though ... second thoughts suggest it might become smelly? Hmmm ...

    What I know for certain is that those big red olives from Dundarave (at the Vancouver Farmer's Market) are dyed red with beets. Let us know!


  4. You had me at Raspberry Syrup! What a gorgeous cake : )

  5. This cake is the loveliest cake I've ever seen!

  6. Holy crap that's a friggin' gorgoues cake! Me want for my wedding!!

  7. That is such exciting news!! One look at this cake and how could they not post it in their magazine?? Raspberry syrup and buttercream just sounds delectable.

  8. I saw these on your facebook page - I love each and every one of the photos. Great color!

  9. wow I love the color combination super-cool & super yummy!

  10. i LOVE how pink this cake is

  11. hi karen! I bet beets would work... i tried making "red velvet" once with beet juice and it turned out somewhat pink... !


    thanks neha!

    much appreciated Christopher!

    Sarah Fraser, I think it would make a super adorable wedding cutting cake, no? ^__^

    awww thanks mizzJ!

    thanks juanita! ^__^

    thanks so much ellie!

    thank you cupcakegirl! ^__^

  12. This is so beautiful! I love the texture on the outside.

  13. Beautiful cake! Your piping work is amazing!

  14. I love that Elle Girl Korea commissioned this cake! It's such a charming way to celebrate their eight years of success (and here's to many, many more).

    Also, the fact that the kids at Arts Umbrella got to enjoy it makes me even better. What a win-win for everyone. xo

  15. thank you april!!

    thanks brandy!! ^__^

    hey thanks kumiko!! ^__^


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