So original gangster, Coco Cake style, Mr.Hungry Old Caterpillar cupcake party train was in my life a few times in the past while. The first being... the adorable version I made for super duper cute baby Asher, ordered by his mom Tanya, pictured here with his big brother Kainen!
The next super exciting way this little guy slinked into my life again:

I was on the cover of the Food Section in the Vancouver Sun, our local newspaper, with the second ever Coco Cake Hungry Catepillar! Yahoo!! That's me in the purple dress! Actually that dress I had made out of some vintage 1960s fabric I inherited from my dad's mom, my grandma, who passed away in the 1990s. When my other grandma, my Poh-poh, (my mom's mom), saw this picture (she's 87 years old) she phoned me and said "you should've cut your hair! Your bangs are covering your whole face! Why didn't you get your bangs trimmed!" Haha. Sorry Poh-poh. Bowl Cut Bangs for life for L.K.Sung... Thanks Mia for including me in the article! :)
Below is a pretty major picture explosion. But it's kind of fun. It shows you the process of how a caterpillar gets from being just a bunch of cakes, to a lovingly arranged party platter ready to march off the table into Cupcake Land. This guy was made of coconut cupcakes and frosted with vanilla buttercream...
Hungry Caterpillar 3. Ready, set, go!

Phewf. That was a lot of pictures. You made it through! Hooray!
Until next time Coco Cake Land!
xo Lyndsay
congrats on the article!! it's really deserved
the cute hungry caterpillar makes me hungry for coco cake CUPCAKES!!! cute cupcakes and yay baby Asher!!! congrats again on the fab article and pics in the Van Sun newspaper!!
Thanks so much Stephanie!!
Lili, merci beaucoup! Your blog is so cute!
Thanks SIS!!! :) Yay!
Holy! That article awesome...font page! It'd be great if you could scan the article and send in out old Amsterdam way...
love this Lyndsay! Nice to have a celeb in my soon-to-be family. :)
Great job, we are so proud of you.
BT!! if you click on the link in the post (in red) you can get to the article!!
Thanks so much Danielle, future cuzzie! xo
Congrats on the news article! That is amazing and so well deserved! Gorgeous job on the cake/cupcakes. :D
I saw the article and was totally excited for you. Yay!
CONGRATS!! You totally deserve it! I love your hungry caterpillar and cupcakes! They look fantastic!
brandy, lydia, faithy-- thanks so much, blog pals!!! :)
I finally figured out how to see all the photos from the online article (duh). What a lovely photo of you! I love that cococake won the (unspoken) most beautiful/cute/quirky cupcakes contest - since it's all cococake photos! BIG congrats, well deserved. Now stop working so hard so we can hang out again!
That is definitely one of your cutest cupcake themes and one of my favorite books, I love to read it to my niece, unfortunately I rarely get to hang out with her since she's so far away!
Congratulations on the article, I think your hair looks cute!
awesome. and nice bangs! hee!
melanie, you're adorable... totes hang sesh soon... Italian Night! woohoo!
thanks jennywenny... also, thanks re: hair!!! haha..
justjenn... thanks!!! bangs 4 life!
Congratulations on the article - that is amazing!
Congrats on the article Lyndsay! That's so exciting! I imagine you probably have no time for Arts Umbrella anymore - or are you still teaching and assisting?
Luke turned one this week - I should've ordered him one of these!!
Hope you're well,
thanks so much cake blog pal juanita!!!
melissa, thank you for the message... i hope you are doing well... i still do arts umbrella outreach which i love. happy birthday to luke! :)
hi lindsay,
I am just starting out on my baking journey, i would love for you to visit my blog and for any advice that you can give. I hope to post more pics soon. www.constellationcreations.blogspot.com thank you
Awesome idea and execution. What a great tribute to Eric Carle! and they look so yummy too! :)
Hi Lyndsay,
I borrowed your Hungry Caterpillar for a birthday party for a one year old who's very dear to us. I used my Black Chocolate Cake recipe, fondant leaves made with a leaf press and the letters are 'cake pops' covered with white chocolate candy and fondant letters...so fun! Thanks for the inspiration.
I found the amazing 'grassy' wrapping paper at Superstore of all places, what a great place for the hungry caterpillar to graze!
Pics here - enjoy! http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=3942532&id=516813721
Oh my goodness gracious...what genius! My 3 year old son Christopher and I are doing all things 'Cc' through The Hungry Caterpillar. I couldn't have come across your blog at a more opportune time. We have now decided to weave our theme around this cake come September 10. Thanks for the inspiration. Congratulations on the article too.
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