It's a big claim, to call cupcake flags the cutest flags on planet Earth. Lately I've been throwing around this saying quite a bit. For example, a Valentine's Day card addressed to "The Greatest Honeybun On Planet Earth." Or, a complaint of a minor head pain with "I have the biggest headache on Planet Earth." I may change it to "The Cutest Flags On Planet Of The Apes."
While I've been loving doing the hand-written thing for my celebration flags/cupcake picks I make, the thrill and excitement of a NEW PRINTER has thrown me over the edge-- I can use all my cute fonts for my flags now! Wonderful! (Side note: our laptop mentally imploded on itself, causing Rich and I to purchase a lovely bright new iMac, by which we were then upsold on a rather nice printer for an extra $50.) The new magical printer beast mixed with my ever-growing collection of vintage and designer craft papers = "THE CUTEST FLAGS ON PLANET OF THE APES."
Pictured here: Lemon Love (lemon cupcake with lemon creamcheese frosting!) with one of my new super-favorite flag designs. Yay!
1 comment:
cutey cute cute! ah the world of printers.
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