What was I doing in the 1980s?
Walking around all cool as a cucumber with my Expo '86 passport in an Expo Ernie tshirt and probably one of those plastic doo-hickey necklaces that look like giant pills that you can store dollar bills in (remember those days before the golden loonie?? Greenie dollar bills!), singing EXTRA LOUD at Studio '86 to "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" drowning out my own sister on her birthday recording session.
Taping LG73 radio on my black cassette mini ghetto blaster. Listening to my PJammer clock radio with the "bed buds" in my ears.
Drinking Super Socco and eating Chippopity.
Falling asleep at the Jackson Family Victory Tour at BC Place with a sparkly silver glove on one hand.
Walking around all cool as a cucumber with my Expo '86 passport in an Expo Ernie tshirt and probably one of those plastic doo-hickey necklaces that look like giant pills that you can store dollar bills in (remember those days before the golden loonie?? Greenie dollar bills!), singing EXTRA LOUD at Studio '86 to "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" drowning out my own sister on her birthday recording session.
Taping LG73 radio on my black cassette mini ghetto blaster. Listening to my PJammer clock radio with the "bed buds" in my ears.
Drinking Super Socco and eating Chippopity.
Falling asleep at the Jackson Family Victory Tour at BC Place with a sparkly silver glove on one hand.
nicely decorated :) I like them
PYT Pretty Young Things! those cupcakeys remind me of those velour top and pants outfits that mom had made for us....i'm still using PJammer!
i wish i still had PJammer! i took it apart for an art electronics project at emily carr institute, boooo! that thing will last until forever!
we totally would have been doing the 'i wanna dance with somebody' studio 86 jam as a duet!! i did the same song and many others at studio 86 in WEM (west edmonton mall)!! These 80's cupcakes rule- i opened this link in hawaii, very suitable. ;)
i did my get in shape girl exercises, wearing my reebok aerobic princesses, while listening to lg73 on the PJammer. refreshing myself with a supersoco afterwards of course.
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