
The lovely Sarah contacted me to make chocolate with chocolate buttercream Spiderman cupcakes for her little son Nicky's 5th birthday. But not the red Spiderman... the black one!! I used fondant to create the Spiderman faces, and drew on the spider webs. When Sarah (whom I had never met!) came to pick them up, she was so happy she gave me a huge hug!! That is the kind of warmth and excitement that keeps old Coco Cake headquarters chugging along like a cupcake party train. So thank you, Sarah, for being so enthusiastic-- and I sure hope Nicky loved the cupcakes!! (Note-- like the "Happy Nicky" above? That was cracking me up a bit!
xo Lyndsay
xo Lyndsay
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man! Woweeeeeee! Love those cupcakes even though Nicky wanted the turn to the darkside black masked Spider-Man. teehee. SO cute! Batman, Spider-Man, who's next? Woverine? lol. :) Nice work, sis.
did u draw each of those spiderweb masks by hand?
Ha! Very cute! Thats happened to me too! Hugs are great! I guess cakes bring out the best in folks.
yeppers, each one by hand!
--cool jenny!! :)
Great cupcakes! I love the hugs too!
does the fondant begin to mold to the cupcake after it's set out at room temp. for a while or outside???
My sons would have gone crazy over birthday cupcakes like these. Just found you via the BakeItPretty's blog.
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