Friday, August 14, 2009

Super Swirl

This is what I call the Super Swirl. It's like a mega soft serve ice cream cone! Too much frosting? Who thinks too much? Who thinks jussssst right? I would love to know! It does sort of look like Japanese unko toys a bit.

Also, check out that crazy cool ceramic art object hanging with Super Swirl. It's a ceramic cone hanging out with the ice cream cone wannabe cupcake. It's an amazing little art piece by our pal Scott Malin. You should check out his work. It deserves to be checked out!

More cupcakes comin' your way real soon! :)


Snooky doodle said...

I think it s too much frosting if its buttercream if its whipped cream or ice cream it s b=never enough :)

icicle said...

Not too much, frosting is the best part -- but not too sweet, please!

apparentlyjessy said...

Agreed, it isn't too much so long as its not too sweet!

Coco Cake Land said...

oh yes... i am a fan of the not-too-sweet buttercream... !