Well allllllright! Remember this crazy cake I made all the way back in March for the lovely Lisa's birthday? Ever since hype for the Where The Wild Things Are movie started trickling out, the Moishe cake I designed based on Maurice Sendak's awesome artwork has been ripping around Internet Town with lots of super nice praise and comments! Thanks so much everyone!! But the coolest part... Justine, an intern at Warner Brothers Vancouver (pictured above on the left, standing with yours truly), found the cake online too... and contacted little old Coco Cake to make a giant version of the cake for the Vancouver advance screening premiere! Hooray!!
The screening was so much fun-- lots of kids running around all hopped up on movie candy, crowding around the Coco Cake table where the 14 inch round Moishe cake was hanging around! Er, yes that is a Where The Wild Things Are Hummer also... Plus, the excitement of being one of the first people to view the film in our city-- pretty crazy movie! Our conversation on the ride home was that it was totally enjoyable, a little bit dark for children but one of those movies where if you saw it as a kid, it might slightly terrify you but would definitely resonate as one of those movies you'd remember as an adult. Sort of like ET THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL for me. TERRIFYING for a little 7 year old Chinese girl with a bowl cut. TERRIFIED to ever go into the bathroom again, worried ET would be DEAD and all white and powdery lying in there on the cold tile. Eeks, it still scares me... Haha...
We also loved how rambunctious the kid Max was in the movie, and how it encouraged kids to go outside, play in nature, use their imagination and even get *gasp* hurt!! Life's all about skinning your knees and trying new things, having fun and exploring!
Wonderful fellow cake makers, if you want to try this design, please link back to my blog, it would be much appreciated. Yay Moishe cake!!! I like how this one turned out extra hairy!!! :)
The screening was so much fun-- lots of kids running around all hopped up on movie candy, crowding around the Coco Cake table where the 14 inch round Moishe cake was hanging around! Er, yes that is a Where The Wild Things Are Hummer also... Plus, the excitement of being one of the first people to view the film in our city-- pretty crazy movie! Our conversation on the ride home was that it was totally enjoyable, a little bit dark for children but one of those movies where if you saw it as a kid, it might slightly terrify you but would definitely resonate as one of those movies you'd remember as an adult. Sort of like ET THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL for me. TERRIFYING for a little 7 year old Chinese girl with a bowl cut. TERRIFIED to ever go into the bathroom again, worried ET would be DEAD and all white and powdery lying in there on the cold tile. Eeks, it still scares me... Haha...
We also loved how rambunctious the kid Max was in the movie, and how it encouraged kids to go outside, play in nature, use their imagination and even get *gasp* hurt!! Life's all about skinning your knees and trying new things, having fun and exploring!
Wonderful fellow cake makers, if you want to try this design, please link back to my blog, it would be much appreciated. Yay Moishe cake!!! I like how this one turned out extra hairy!!! :)
wow really well done.
looks amazing
oooh thanks everyone! :)
so awesome, I hope everyone gives you lots of link love...
WOW I can totally see all the work you've been through to make this but man is the outcome wild and amazing! I love it and I also love the way you narrate things :D
way-to-go Lindsay!
thanks jenny, geraldine and the daily p!! :)
Oh my goodness! I love him! I love how I knew straight away who he was! You clever, clever girl!
oh wow, an awesome job Lyndsay! Congrats!
Wow. That must've been fantastic for you. It's a great cake. If you ever need an extra pair of hands, let me know.
I grew up on this book and will be seeing it with my children in 2 weeks.
The caked looked amazing and that was such an honor!!
The scary movie for me as a kid was The Neverending Story. That stupid flying dog gave me nightmares for days!!
You're kidding me! This cake is amazing and horrendously cute! The nose is perfect.
I've been hunting down occasions as excuses for u to make me a cake.
OMG! Congrats!! WOW this is SO awesome. This is such a cute blog... so is your work!!! {Bday's around the corner, I may have to buy mysefl a cake!} and YES please open a store. You'll be the reason I become tubby!
you are all the coolest!!! thank you for your awesomely radical comments!!! :)
I absolutely love this!
My five-year-old LOVES the book and I'm thinking I'm going to have to try some WTWTA cupcakes for a movie party!
ET used to scare me too! I didn't like it when he went all albino!
Awesome Cake! I want to gobble it all up!
100% awesome!
thanks cheryl, jack and nikolina!
Wow! Wow, wow, wow!!!!i saw this movie friday...your cake coudl have been the actual character i the movie it's so detailed!!! you always do such GREAT things!! when are you going to open up a store in DC?!!?
holy crap! that cake is amaaaaaazing. nice work!
thank you melissa and amelia!!!
Just a quick note to thank you for the pizza cake inspiration. I just made one for my four year old's pizza party. I would never have thought of it on my own.
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