Andrea emailed me with the request to make some celebratory Olympics themed cupcakes for her dad, who was running a leg of the Olympic torch run on Quadra Island! Very cool! Lookit these cute little things I made: a "brother" of the popular Vancouver Olympics mascot-- let's call him Squatchi!, and a sugar fondant take on the Oly rings. Coco Cake cupcake flavours were dark chocolate with chocolate buttercream, and Lemon Love!
Congratulations Mr.Wong!! :)
Congratulations Mr.Wong!! :)
super cute!!!
so talented! you're great.
thanks anon!!
thanks sam!! :)
These are adorable! Awesome Job!
hey thanks a lot bonnie!!! :)
holy crap the andersisters are going to DIE - they are obsessed w/kwatchi. and coco cake. NICE ONE!
awwww!! and coco cake loves the andersisters!!!!
oooh, these turned out so cute! love the squatchi and olympic ring-like cupcakes! :) jb
ooh thanks sis!!! :)
Very Cute! This is a slightly random question, but where do you get your cardboard liners for your boxes of cupcakes?
Very nice, you're obviously very talented, I'm going to show these pictures to my wife, probably she'll get inspired!
Those are adorable! My daughter saw these (she's almost 8) and she squealed with delight! You make me wish I lived in Vancouver so I could order some;)
thanks lorne and little papercuts!! :)
We love these! and have featured them on our blog
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