Lookit this cutie pie train cake I made for River's 5th birthday party! I have been so lucky to make many delightful cakes and cupcakes for this lovely family's birthday parties. This might be on of my favourites thusfar though... I think it's due to the cute little faces on the engine and the caboose, and the cute red, blue, brown and white colour theme!

Dark chocolate cupcakes and Berry Good cupcakes with fresh raspberries, the cupcakes all scooched up together in rows, made up the train body.

I'm Mr. Happy Caboose Face! Look at my cute little cupcake train wheels!

This engine's been up all night, his eyes are baggy from too much choo-choo-ing...

Happy Birthday River! Custom flag I made!

Choo choo chee choo!

And sweet little vintage-looking gingham cupcake liners too.

Side view! Train cake attack!

And the cutest River in front of his special cake... Happy Birthday, River! And thank you Sarah for the fun order!
xo Lyndsay
absolutely adorable! love it (:
Aaaaah! I love it! Toot Toot!
so cute! and way better than any thomas the train. much more personality and i especially love the cupcake wheels!
so so cute!
@Dia, thank you so much!
@Neha, thanks!!
@Liz - thank you! Yes, it was fun to do a funny little vintage-look train with faces!!
@Jan, thank you!! xo
wow! that is such a creative way to incorporate a cake and cupcakes. i'm just wondering what kind of chocolate icing that is, it's so dark!
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