Zing!! How cool would it be to work at a great local Vancouver design/marketing/programming firm, and get treated to WICKED AWESOME things for your birthday? Man. That's boosting staff morale. I approve, hard. The amazing Engine Digital in Vancouver ordered a hee-larious cake for one of their staff members... a PIZZA CAKE. You may remember Coco Cake partying it up with the hamburger cake in the past... Now here comes pizza! I made it into a tutorial style thing too so you can make your own!!

This puppy above is a 14 inch round cake. It's a biggie. It can feed a lot of people!! I did a bit of googling to see how many cups of batter I would need. I did a very scientific comparison (NOT!) and found that I would need to basically make enough batter for 48 cupcakes! I doubled my usual 2 dozen vanilla cupcake recipe for this. Worked perfect! I baked it at 325 degrees for about 60 minutes, watching pretty closely.

I bought some fancy Callebaut white chocolate for the "cheese." Then I grated it into a party pile. I made fondant pepperoni, tomatoes, mushrooms, green pepper and olives too, while humming "pizza party!" Did you know white chocolate really IS chocolate? It's made from the cocoa butter of the cacao bean. But, sometimes you'll find some waxy stuff that pretends it is white chocolate but is just made up of oils. Read those ingredients!

Happy Birthday Dane! Hope you liked your pizza cake! If you were these guys you totally would be flippin'!!
Lyndsay, u are too cool. So creative with cakes/cupcakes. I think my head would be messing with me if I ate that pizza cake. I would be expecting a salty taste but then bite into something sweet. too cool. Will u be doing anything special for the Olympics? Planning to come down for the games and hope to try some of ur creations then.
Hey Lyndsay,
Very cool!!
Now I can't decide "hambuger" or
"pizza" cake for my BD.??
.....Maybe both.. YES sir...ree..
Plus some assorted cup cakes too!!
Luv u, Daddie O...
"Hambuger..Oops...please forgive my Asian accent... "hamburger" cake as LJS correctly would say.
luv, Daddie..O.
Pizza cakes for ever !!
thank you anna! yes, i really did crave pizza after making this cake!!
--DAD, you are HILARIOUS. ham"buger" cake... haha...
ha funny and yummy :)
That is so fun! I like the idea of the white chocolate shavings for the cheese! Very cool.
What a fabulous idea! Very fun.
Loved the rest of your site, too. xo
That was fun to read! I don't know if I'm craving cake or pizza, confusing:) Just curious why you soaked it with simply syrup? Is it a flavor thing or function? Thanks again for your blog.
-natalie, jenny, kumiko, haley, thanks!
-haley, i used simple syrup to soak the cake, to ensure it was an extra moist cake. that's all! :)
Absolutely awesome and so creative! I'm doing a hamburger cake in a few weeks - that should be fun!
wow food cakes..so cool. i think it'll be totally weird to bite into it because you'll be expecting some savoury pizza and it turns out to be a sweet yummy cake.
Once again Lyndsay you've managed to come up with something cool & unique..fantastic.
omg i just read Anna's comment and I've pretty much said the same thing haha hilarious..great minds think alike?
hi juanita!! woohoo, can't wait to see your burger...
sheryl, thanks for the comments!!! :)
Hey Lyndsay,
I bought a box of cupcakes from you at the Blim Market and I must say they were DELICIOUS!!!
I love the raspberry but, the lemon curd is my favourite. Always.
Haha. Thanks again!
hey cool cake! How much would something like that cost? either pizza cake or burger cake?
OMG this is the cutest thing I've ever seen...so creative!
--arlene, super super cool!! thank you for your support!!
--kate, please email me at lyndsay@cococake.com!!
--thanks terri!! :)
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