An adorable and fun last minute order from Andrea, ordered for her "moms and tots" Halloween bash. So cute. Andrea was hoping for a modern take on a Halloweeny-type cupcake... so we went with some jackolanterns and a clean, modern, white and ghosty look: white fondant "BOO" engraved cupcakes! The cupcakes were the ever-popular Brown Velour flavour -- dark chocolate cupcake with vanilla creamcheese frosting. My personal favourite. I could sit on the couch and hoover them if I let myself!! But I won't, gosh darnit.
This year I am so excited about Halloween day... I booked the whole day off so I could spend it with my niece and nephews!! I'm planning on making some wicked Halloween treats and then going trick-or-treating with them. Man I still remember the sheer excitement of Halloween when I was a kid. Months thinking about costumes, and finally the big day arrives... a parade in the school gym wearing your costumes, candy all day, rushing home after school wishing every hour would pass quicker so night would fall. An early dinner, then jackets on top of costumes and out the door! Hours later, a bag brimming with hard-earned Trick-or-Treat candy after a long cold night of knocking on doors (haha)... hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and fireworks in our backyard, a feeling of tiredness but still lingering excitement as you fall asleep, dreaming of all the candy you're going to stuff your face with tomorrow...!
...and... here is a picture of me from last year, with my little nephew Brody and little niece Kensie in their last year's costumes... heehee! Not to worry, two minutes later I had distracted Brody with Kensie's bumbleebee wings and he was as happy as
Happy Halloween everyone... hope you all have tons o' fun!
xo Lyndsay
This year I am so excited about Halloween day... I booked the whole day off so I could spend it with my niece and nephews!! I'm planning on making some wicked Halloween treats and then going trick-or-treating with them. Man I still remember the sheer excitement of Halloween when I was a kid. Months thinking about costumes, and finally the big day arrives... a parade in the school gym wearing your costumes, candy all day, rushing home after school wishing every hour would pass quicker so night would fall. An early dinner, then jackets on top of costumes and out the door! Hours later, a bag brimming with hard-earned Trick-or-Treat candy after a long cold night of knocking on doors (haha)... hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and fireworks in our backyard, a feeling of tiredness but still lingering excitement as you fall asleep, dreaming of all the candy you're going to stuff your face with tomorrow...!

Happy Halloween everyone... hope you all have tons o' fun!
xo Lyndsay